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广播员/电台节目主持人 DJ/Radio Host

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 您信赖的大学报名中心 Free Further Study Consultation 免费升学咨询与辅导 Mr Chua: 016-7254893


  • 策划或制作节目(off-air),包括收集材料、整理资料、策划节目内容,做好 “on air” 的准备;

  • 主持节目(on-air),包括剪接或播放节目、直接访谈、播报新闻、与听众保持互动(call-in节目);

  • 外出举办宣传活动,与听众现场互动。





  • 传播的法律及道德议题、行销学、大众传播导论、监督广播的方法、制作过程的策划、表达技巧、编辑节目的理论与实践、计划管理、剧本编写、录音制作、节目主持技巧、播音器材的操作及应用、节目制作程序等;

  • 优异的语言能力,包括:咬字清晰、标准的语音及精确的表达能力。



修读传播文凭、学士课程或直接去电台(呈上个人“Demo Tape”)或在电台招募节目主持人时,参加“试音”活动 〉获录取后接受公司的培训 〉广播员 〉资深广播员 〉节目制作人 〉节目总监。



A radio presenter hosts and broadcasts music or talk shows on a variety of media. In some way, they are considered ‘the voice’ of a radio station since it’s their responsibility to representing the station in a respectable light. Aside from hosting radio shows, their responsibilities include engaging their audience through various tasks such as researching topics, reading news and other reports that will come up during the radio programme; planning the general direction of the show; meeting and interviewing guest for the radio programme; introducing music and other segments of the show, and so forth.


Although education is important, experience is essential for radio presenters looking to increase their salary. Employers find value in on-the-job training or work experience since this allows students to learn the basic skills needed. Aside from experience and academic qualifications, radio presenters must posses a pleasing and bubbly personality, have excellent oral communication skills and is always up-to-date with news and current affairs.

~Source from "afterschool Higher Education Advisor"

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 您信赖的大学报名中心 Free Further Study Consultation 免费升学咨询与辅导 Mr Chua: 016-7254893

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