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Fashion Designer 服装设计师

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 您信赖的大学报名中心 Free Further Study Consultation 免费升学咨询与辅导 Mr Chua: 016-7254893


  • 了解有关服装潮流的走势、收集样本、配件,以便进行设计;

  • 寻找适合的布料、颜料、装饰品等材料;

  • 设计、制图、剪裁、缝纫;

  • 采购时装,吸收多样的服装设计精华;

  • 为客户量身定做服装;

  • 策划生产服装的工作流程;

  • 举办时装表演。

工作地点 设计工作室、服装店、制衣厂、时装表演会场等。


  • 服装构成原理、服装美学理论和服装设计创意、各种画图技能/使用设计软件(数码化服装设计)、各类服装布料、颜料、材料的认识与应用、制图、剪裁、缝纫等技术;

  • 要有灵活的双手及敏锐的触觉与视觉,能辨别及衬托颜色与材质;

  • 策划工作流程、组织合作团队、良好的客户服务能力等。

生涯途径 服装设计证书、文凭或学位 〉就职于时装界、制衣厂或自行创业。


就业前景 近年来,服装设计业日渐蓬勃,在国家旅游局的支持下,大马设计师协会(MODA)、马来西亚纺织业协会(Malaysian Textile Manufacturers Association)等组织经常举办各类型的服装设计比赛,例如:吉隆坡亚洲时尚节(KLAFW),让更多的服装设计新秀有曝光的机会,并协助大马服装设计师建立自己的品牌。



Fashion Designer

Fashion design is a profession that tends to attract people at an early age. This career is suited for students who have spent a large portion of their youth reading fashion magazines or making clothes for their dolls. However, there are many facets of the profession and many things to know about what it will take to forge a successful career in this field.

Market Demand

Regarded once as a “sunset” industry in the early 80s, the fashion industry of Malaysia is now perceived as an industry with potential. In 2008, it contributed RM10.5 billion to the country’s export revenue and investment is expected to reach US$3 billion in the next eight years.

Bernard Chandran, Jimmy Choo and Melinda Looi are some of the country’s biggest names in fashion. Their designs have been strutted down the runway at major fashion events here and abroad. More talented individuals are expected to join the bandwagon as government as well as the general public’s view of fashion evolve from “a total waste of money” to lucrative and influential business.


Students who are interested to grasp the fundamental technical design skills can take a diploma programme, a 2-year programme that teaches students on tailoring, sewiwng, pattern making, fashion drawing and other basic skills. Due to the industry’s competitive nature, fashion designers are required to hold an undergraduate degree in fashion design and those who plan to have their own design firms or shops could benefit from earning a combined degree in fashion design and marketing or another business-related subject.

~~Source from "afterschool Higher Education Advisor"

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 您信赖的大学报名中心 Free Further Study Consultation 免费升学咨询与辅导 Mr Chua: 016-7254893

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