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人力资源部经理 Human Resource Manager

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 您信赖的大学报名中心 Free Further Study Consultation 免费升学咨询与辅导 Mr Chua: 016-7254893


  • 计划、指导和协调机构的人事活动,确保人力资源合理利用;

  • 管理理赔、人事策略和招聘等;

  • 在规模较大的公司,人力资源可分为: 一、征聘部:为公司招聘人才、估计聘请人数,处理辞退、辞职、调出、停薪留职等;二、培训部:开办课程培训公司职员,提高员工的实际操作能力;三、赔偿与福利部:处理员工的薪金及福利,草拟公司预算案;四、员工管理部:维系员工和雇主的友好关系,透过各种方式激发员工的工作积极性、让员工对公司有归属感等。

工作地点 办公室及员工活动地点等。


  • 人力资源分配、人事管理、基本辅导、劳工法令、基本商业法律、面试会谈法则、文件存档及管理、了解公司的系统、懂得使用电脑软件;

  • 良好的沟通能力、谈判技巧及协商能力。

生涯途径 人力资源管理或工商管理证书、文凭或学位 〉就职于人事部 〉累积经验 〉人力资源部经理。

就业前景 在马来西亚,一般公司对人力资源部不甚重视,因此一般小公司或传统公司的人力资源部只是一个行政部门,员工的晋升机会并不大。可是相对来说,跨国公司或规模庞大的企业对人力资源部却非常看重。



Human Resource Manager

While in the past, HR managers did the tedious work like payroll, today they’re some of the most essential people in any organization, being at the centre of big strategic moves like mergers and acquisitions and corporate recruiting. HR managers work not just with business, but also occupy prominent roles in public institutions like universities and governments.

Market Demand

All industries will need an HR specialist. As a company or organisation grows, a HR specialist would be needed to attract and hold onto the most talented employees. HR managers are crucial as they also determine which people need to be trained to take on more responsibilities.

In Malaysia, human resource specialists are just some of the professionals in high demand as the local economy continues to grow strongly. The financial services and IT sector, specifically in software development, are in need of HR specialists who can help build a strong candidate pool in these niche areas. One of the main hurdles these industries face is retaining locals as they receive better salary packages when working overseas.


While a bachelor’s education has been the norm for HR managers, increasingly a master’s degree is a requirement. But to reach the level of manager, you’ll have to climb through the company ranks, usually starting off as a personnel officer or a human resource specialist.

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 您信赖的大学报名中心 Free Further Study Consultation 免费升学咨询与辅导 Mr Chua: 016-7254893

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