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Interior Designer 室内设计师

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 您信赖的大学报名中心 Free Further Study Consultation 免费升学咨询与辅导 Mr Chua: 016-7254893


  • 收集资料,包括客户的要求和预算、室内的空间等;

  • 根据客户的要求和空间条件,构思、设计室内的装潢,包括空间设计、灯光设计、陈设布置、色彩搭配等;

  • 绘制创意草图,然后与客户商讨,再针对客户的意见进行修改;

  • 完成施工图,交由建筑工人施工;

  • 采购装潢所需的材料、计算成本;

  • 到施工现场监督装修工作,并给予建筑工人技术上的指导;

  • 竣工验收;

  • 提供专业的室内设计咨询。

工作地点 工作室、外出(如:装潢地点、材料供应商、家具厂等)。


  • 基础设计与绘画、室内设计、家具设计、构思图设计、建筑学、建筑绘图、建筑科技、建筑材料学、东西方建筑史、视觉沟通学、创意学、分色学、摄影技术和数码影像、电脑辅助设计(2D和3D);

  • 其他相关知识,如:风水学、房屋及地方法令等;

  • 具备良好的沟通能力。

生涯途径 考取室内设计文凭、学位 〉室内设计师。



Interior Designer

Interior design is all about how we experience spaces. It’s a powerful, essential part of our daily lives and affects how we live, work, play, and even heal. Comfortable homes, functional workplaces, beautiful public spaces—that’s interior design at work.

The best interior designers make it look easy, crafting spaces that anticipate our needs and appeal to our emotions, but in reality a broad set of skills and technical knowledge is required. Interior design has changed dramatically since the early 20th century when it was just beginning to emerge as a profession.

Today, interior designers work with contractors, architects, engineers, craftsmen, furniture dealers, and business and home owners. To become a successful interior designer, you need a well-rounded education and the skills to work within many disciplines (architecture; graphic design; decorative arts; and textile, furniture, and lighting design). Interior designers are expected to have working knowledge of:

• Textiles, materials, color, space planning, sustainability, and more

• Software applications for 2D & 3D computer-aided design (CAD) and building information modeling (BIM)

• Structural requirements, health and safety issues, and building codes

Career Options

Within the field of interior design, there are a wealth of career options. You can start your own practice, work for a small or large firm, or specialize in a particular skill (such as lighting) or a specific area (such as hospitality). The possibilities are endless—and they’re expanding every day.

~Sources from "New York School of Interior Design"

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 您信赖的大学报名中心 Free Further Study Consultation 免费升学咨询与辅导 Mr Chua: 016-7254893

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