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HELP University 精英大学

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 您信赖的大学指定报名中心

Free Further Study Consultation 免费升学咨询与辅导

Mr Chua: 016-7254893


(Wechat, Line, sms, Call)

热门科系 Popular Courses

Business (商业课程): Accounting(会计), Marketing(市场学), Finance(金融), International Business(国际贸易), Entrepreneurship(企业管理), Human Resource(人力资源管理), Management(工商管理)

Psychology(心理学), Law(法律), Information Technology (资讯科技),Mass Communication(大众传播), Early Childhood(幼儿教育)

精英大学创立于1986 年, 为马来西亚学生提供学费廉宜的高素质大专教育。时至今日,精英大学已经发展成为马来西亚国内首屈一指的高等教育学府之一,在亚太区、欧洲与北美洲地区的大学、研究机构、学者、企业领袖与政府之间享有盛誉,美名远播。

精英大学开办许多本科与研究课程, 所涉及的领域包括商学、法律、 管理、经济、 资讯科技、 社会科学与人文科学。 该大学也在特定领域与科目的研究和发展扮演领航的角色。精英大学对学术与教育事业保持严谨的要求,不断精益求精,在许多领域树立楷模, 获得许多成就, 在国内与国外广为人知, 是许多国际组织在关键学术与教育领域寻求合作的对象。

精英大学注重教育素质, 确保毕业生成为世界各地的跨国公司与精明雇主竞相聘请的员工, 也让他们迅速崛起成为举足轻重的领袖。

Overview from HELP University

Since 1986 we have grown steadily and sturdily. We have sustained our student number and ensured a robust financial position. We have distinguished ourselves by excelling as a thought leader, an incubator of outstanding graduates, a model of selective excellence, and as a community-caring institution.

All these years our educational goals have been to prepare students for their first job graduate school, to prepare students for their subsequent career and to prepare students for a fulfilling and productive life. The drives of our vision are our values which are based on “Pride Of Achievement, Sharing Success, The Courage to Be, To Be compassionate, and To be Significant”

Touch Learning & Edu Advisory 您信赖的大学指定报名中心

Free Further Study Consultation 免费升学咨询与辅导

Mr Chua: 016-7254893

(Wechat, Line, sms, Call)

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